Well I said I was never going to get a (knitting) blog, but I said the same thing about joining a sock club... which is what has prompted the foray into blogland. So for today's first post (cue trumpets) a round up of current WIPs.
Sock of the day: Monkey, in cheap South African yarn but as lovely as any other Monkey, once you've got over the cheeky gusset.
The Green Vintage Lace proceeds about as quickly as WW2 (pattern is from a wartime knitting book) but I believe our forces are starting to have some impact.
The superfine Fyberspates sock is languishing a bit... may try to remedy this over the weekend.
The second Urban Necessity mitten just needs capping off (do I get to have a ceremony?) once I have located the next ball of yarn.
Recent purchases include some Peaches & Creme for bibs, some long KnitPicks cables, and a ball of Trekking XXL with which I intend to make Firestarters assuming I can negotiate the slightly awkward pattern instructions.
Hopefully tomorrow will include a trip to Wool in Stockport to replace the split 3.25mm Brittany Birch... will try to post some pics for these projects too.
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