Monday 18 October 2010

Days 6 and 7

Lost count a bit! Think I probably averaged 10 but who knows... between the paperwork tray (too scary for a full foray), the bookshelves and some old glasses. Funny moment when taking old books to Oxfam, the volunteer writes biology textbooks for a day job and knows them well! After 20yrs they aren't actually that out of date, but we certainly don't need them any more. Also gave in my collection of pregnancy books. No need for those eh! Tried to make space on the knitting shelves but the only candidate will actually be useful at Oasis knitting group so that will have to wait until Wednesday.

1 comment:

KitchenMama said...

sounds like you're still committed and doing well! I've had to count things like empty packaging, and empty middles of wrapping paper, along with clearing the dining table and thereby restacking things elsewhere, and binning a few bits too. Mind you, I did give the ex 2 big carrier bags of his paperwork, filed some of mine and found 3 coupons to use while shopping. Yay us!